Waddle though the Snow decorated door on the right. You will end up in the Snow Dojo!
Go up in the bridge to begin. Pick your element!
When you first get into the game, it looks like this.
To move, click a blue square.
To attack, pick a red square.
The goal is to drain all the snowmen of there health. After you do so, the round is over! There are 3 rounds and a bonus. All ninjas must be active to get to the bonus round. When you complete it, this will pop up.
See where it says Next Reward? That reward is a movie. You will earn movie clips as you go on in CJ Snow! Its pretty cool. Sensei will tell you all about his journeys. Here is a sneak peek of one.
You can also earn 21 stamps playing Card Jitsu Snow!
Good luck!