Today, I'm going to tell you how to become a tour guide. First, you may wonder what those tour guides do. Basically, they teach othe penguins how to waddle around and respect others. Also they show other penguins all the secret rooms of Club Penguin.
Note: You must be 45 days or older to be a tour guide!
Step 1: Waddle on over to the Ski Village!
Step 2: Click the the Tour Guides Booth!
Step 3: Click the button at the bottom and another pop-up will appear, click the "Take The Quiz' button to start the Tour Guide Quiz! Here are ALL of the questions and answers to the Tour Guide Quiz!
Q: How many coins does it cost to buy a player card background?Congratulations! Now that you became a Tour Guide on Club Penguin, you will receive the free Tour Guide Hat!
A: 60
Q: What is thrown out of the truck in level 4 of bean counters?
A: Flowerpot
Q: In what room can you find old copies of the Penguin Times?
A: Boiler Room
Q: What is the name of Captain Rockhopper’s ship?
A: The Migrator
Q: Which of these rooms does not have a game in it?
A: Beach
Q: Which of these places doesn’t have music playing in the background?
A: Pet Shop
Q: How many sled-racing courses are there?
A: 4
Q: How does the pink puffle play?
A: Skips with skipping rope
Q: What day does the newspaper come out?
A: Thursday
Q: Which of these games has a shark in it?
A: Jet pack adventure
Q: What color of puffle can catch on fire?
A: Black
Everyone that is a Tour Guide on Club Penguin will get a paycheck postcard for with 250 coins added to your penguin account. Paycheck Postcards will be delivered every month for your hard work as a Tour Guide.
- Club Penguin Island -